

We operate modern commercial helicopter facilities, equipped with VIP corporate lounges, outdoor viewing areas and private car parking.

Our main base of operation is at Nepean Aerospace Park in Penrith, with a newly built hangar to house our fleet of  helicopters as well as an engineering department, office spaces, training facilities, conference rooms and a passenger lounge. In addition to this base, we operate Alpine Helicopters in the heart of the Snowy Mountains from our new facility at Jindabyne Airfield as well as being located in Victoria at Mount Beauty, Falls Creek and Mount Hotham during the winter season.

Sydney Helicopters places an emphasis on developing environmentally responsible facilities and actively participating in strategies that assist with the conservation of the environment. All our helicopter bases have been designed to utilise solar power with battery storage and return to the grid capabilities as well as rain water harvesting. Our Alpine base in Jindabyne for example is entirely off grid harnessing solar energy to power our facility.

Nepean Aerospace Park (Penrith)

We recently purchased a 32 acre site in Penrith zoned Tourism and permitting helipads in order to replace the compulsorily acquired heliport we operated from for 27 years at Rosehill. This new facility will be Sydney’s only standalone helicopter facility providing year round aerial emergency services in the from of aerial firefighting and flood relief situated at the most western fringe of metropolitan Sydney.  The facility is modern allowing for undercover storage and maintenance of our entire helicopter fleet.  In addition to Nepean Aerospace Park, we operate to / from Sydney Airport, Bankstown airport and the Central Coast.

Please click on the Contact page for driving directions or see this map.

Nepean Aerospace Park (Penrith)

Jindabyne Airfield

Our Sister company, Alpine Helicopters, located in Jindabyne in the heart of the Snowy Mountains. This brand new facility is completely self contained and off grid with a large solar system, battery storage and rainwater storage. We have passenger lounge facilities, training facilities and plenty of onsite parking.

Please visit the Alpine Helicopters website here.

Jindabyne Airfield