Who are the Civil Aviation Safety Authority?

Who are the Civil Aviation Safety Authority?

As it is a given with every vehicle, licencing is required for flying helicopters. Rules and regulations must be established and enforced in aviation as well. Whilst cars, trucks and boats are regulated by the Roads and Maritime Services (RMS), planes and helicopters are regulated by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA).

The CASA regulates all airborne vehicles and aerial activity, including helicopter flights, air-work and recreational flying.

At Sydney Helicopters, safety is paramount, and all our activities are guided by our CASA approved Operations Manual and Safety Management System.

Learn more about CASA below.


The CASA was established in July 1995, succeeding the Civil Aviation Authority of Australia after it was broken up into two different authoritative bodies – the CASA and Airservices Australia. CASA manages licencing, aircraft registering and regulation enforcement. Meanwhile, Airservices Australia is responsible for air traffic control.

The role of the CASA is established by the Civil Aviation Act 1988, which was developed and passed by the Australian Government to develop a means of establishing and maintaining safety within civil aviation.

CASA was established as an independent statutory authority. To maintain and achieve safe skies, they work and collaborate with the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications and Airservices Australia.

Sydney Helicopters in flight

What they do

The CASA is responsible for enforcing rules and regulations that are central to maintaining safety in civil aviation. This includes:

  • Distribution of licences to those who have met the requirements
  • Creating regulations to improve aviation safety standards
  • Reprimanding and regulating those who do not meet the rules and requirements

As well as this, the CASA is also responsible for educating people. They teach about the safety standards that have been placed upon aviation. There are several safety auditors and advisors who work within the aviation industries to always communicate any changes in standards and regulations to the community.

They also run countless lectures and safety workshops throughout the year so that people can receive certification allowing them to fly. This encourages the industry professionals to keep up to date with the rules and regulations that the CASA establishes.

The CASA was established to improve the quality of safety within the many facets of civil aviation, including commercial flights, search and rescue and helicopter touring.

Sydney Helicopters

CASA Approved Helicopter Services

Helicopter organisations in Australia are required to adhere to Australian civil aviation laws. This makes obtaining CASA approval mandatory before engaging in aviation-related activities.

If you’re looking for a helicopter touring company that has been completely approved by the CASA, talk to Sydney Helicopters. We’re the leading provider of helicopter tours in Sydney, having performed charter tours, scenic flights and air-work for over 30 years.

Safety is a priority when you fly with our company. Since our beginning operations in 1985, we are proud to boast an enviable safety record.

In addition to our extensive range of flights in Sydney, we also work in areas across the state. Our services can be extended in regions including the Blue Mountains, Bathurst, the Southern Highlands and the Hunter Valley.

Are you looking to learn more about our exciting helicopter tours or any of our other services? Our friendly team are happy to answer all enquiries! Give us a call on (02) 9637 4455 today.